The Collection: Realm Journal – Chapter One

I finally finished the first chapter of this story!!

On her 13th birthday, Jennalyn Hazelwood misses her brother who passed away ten years ago. But when she receives a mysterious journal from her deceased grandpa, Jennalyn learns that she can communicate between the living and the dead.

And when Peyton finds himself in the same situation, the two siblings must now protect this strange power from the forces of untold evil that will use the Realm Journals as portal between the real world and the afterlife.

I hate writing the first couple of chapters because setting up the story is really hard to do….

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What I’m Reading: Novels – The Chronicles of Prydain

I’ve wanted to get my hands on this series for a long time and I finally have! The Chronicles of Prydain is a series of five fantasy genre books written by Lloyd Alexander written since around the 1960’s. Admittedly, I don’t have trouble understanding it.

The Chronicles of Prydain consists of five books:

1) The Book of Three

2) The Black Cauldron

3) The Castle of Llyr

4) Taran Wanderer

5) The High King

The story of The Chronicles of Prydain is set in a fictional world, Prydain, which is a nation consisting of several kingdoms. Inhabitants include humans, strange creatures such as the Fair Folk, beasts, witches and evil warlords. The land is filled with magic and mystery and is a very enjoyable world.

The series follows the adventures of Taran, an assistant pig-keeper who dreams of becoming a brave warrior from Caer Dallben. Soon in his journey, Taran teams up with Princess Eilonwy, Gurgi, and Fflewddur Fflam. Taran’s ultimate goal is to find his identity and protect Prydain from the evils of Annuvin, a kingdom filled with darkness. Along the way, Taran confronts witches, corrupted kings and untold danger in a battle to put an end to Arawn, Annuvin’s sinister warlord ruler.

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