The Collection: Realm Journal – Chapter One

I finally finished the first chapter of this story!!

On her 13th birthday, Jennalyn Hazelwood misses her brother who passed away ten years ago. But when she receives a mysterious journal from her deceased grandpa, Jennalyn learns that she can communicate between the living and the dead.

And when Peyton finds himself in the same situation, the two siblings must now protect this strange power from the forces of untold evil that will use the Realm Journals as portal between the real world and the afterlife.

I hate writing the first couple of chapters because setting up the story is really hard to do….

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Gear #1: Creature – Chapter One

The first chapter of Gear! I never expected for this story to start so quickly. Maybe it’s because due to it’s simplicity which makes much more sense than most of my other stories.

This is the first installment. It covers the adventures of Giselle and her friends as they struggle to work with their Gears, shapeshifting backpacks that turn into special outfits with abilities and powers in order to protect their homeland!

I hope you enjoy!

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